Recipe: Tasty Patatas Bravas

Patatas Bravas. The BEST PATATAS BRAVAS You Will (Probably) Ever Eat Patatas Bravas -- Crispy Potatoes with Spicy Garlic & Chili Aioli. This Patatas Bravas recipe roasts potatoes, instead of frying them, which makes them both easier and healthier!

Patatas Bravas Simple patatas bravas just like you'd find in Spain, only healthier! Baked crispy potato wedges topped with a spicy tomato sauce. Patatas Bravas Home Fries with Roasted Tomato Aioli. You can cook Patatas Bravas using 6 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Patatas Bravas

  1. You need 5 of mittelgroße Kartoffeln.
  2. Prepare 2-3 of Knoblauchzehen.
  3. It's 2 1/2 EL of Maismehl.
  4. You need of Salz.
  5. It's 1 1/2 TL of geräuchertes Paprikapulver (Pimenton de la Vera).
  6. You need 2 EL of Olivenöl.

Patatas Bravas are a classic at tapas bars across Spain. Spanish cuisine features very little spicy food, so while the sauce here is only mildly spicy, it is called salsa brava, or "fierce sauce!" Patatas bravas are delicious tapas that are prepared with fried potato cubes topped with a spicy How to prepare patatas bravas? Patatas bravas, also known as papas bravas or patatas a la brava. Patatas bravas is a traditional tapas dish consisting of potato cubes drenched in a spicy tomato sauce with onions, garlic, chili powder, and paprika.

Patatas Bravas step by step

  1. Den Backöfen auf 180° C vorheizen..
  2. Die Kartoffeln waschen, ungeschält lassen und in Viertel schneiden..
  3. Die Knoblauchzehen schälen und durch die Knoblauchpresse in ein kleines Schälchen pressen..
  4. Maismehl, Salz und geräuchertes Paprikapulver mit dem Knoblauch gut vermengen..
  5. Das Olivenöl ebenfalls in ein kleines Schälchen geben und die Kartoffelspalten zunächst kurz darin eintunken..
  6. Dann die Kartoffelstücke in der Maismehl-Knoblauch-Paprikapulver-Panade wälzen und auf ein mit Backpapier ausgelegtes Backblech geben..
  7. Die Patatas Bravas 15-20 Minuten weich und goldgelb im Backofen backen..
  8. Dazu passen eine scharfe Tomatensauce und ein Aioli..

This flavorful combination of ingredients is a staple at. Patatas Bravas are to tapas bars what chicken wings are to sports bars. Every single one has got them, but other than a few basic similarities, they can vary wildly from spot to spot. Patatas bravas is one of the most popular tapas from Spain. This simple, yet delicious tapa is traditionally made with fried potatoes topped with a spicy sauce.


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