Easiest Way to Cook Appetizing Baba Ghanoush

Baba Ghanoush. Baba ganoush is just basically eggplant blended up with lemon juice, tahini and sea salt. Typically you have to char the eggplant on a grill or over. Watch how to make the best baba ganoush in this short recipe video!

Baba Ghanoush Baba ganoush is one of those things that I eat pretty darn often, but I rarely make at Baba ganoush is a Mediterranean eggplant dip made from roasted or grilled eggplant. Baba Ganoush is much easier to make than most people think! Be sure to grab my tips and watch the video toward the bottom of this post. You can have Baba Ghanoush using 10 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Baba Ghanoush

  1. You need 2 of Auberginen.
  2. You need 1 of Knoblauchzehe.
  3. You need 1 Prise of Salz.
  4. It's of Saft einer kleinen Zitrone.
  5. Prepare 3 EL of Tahini.
  6. You need 2 EL of Olivenöl.
  7. It's 1/2 Bund of glatte Petersilie.
  8. You need of Salz.
  9. Prepare of Kümmelpulver.
  10. It's of Knoblauch.

A simple authentic recipe for Baba Ganoush- with step by step instructions. Delicious and flavorful Middle Eastern Eggplant Dip made Baba ganoush is an Eastern Mediterranean appetizer consisting of roasted eggplant. Baba ganoush is a delicious dip made from roasted eggplants, originating in the Middle East and Eastern Mediterranean. It's creamy, savory, and exudes an irresistibly smoky.

Baba Ghanoush step by step

  1. Den Backofen auf etwa 180 Grad vorheizen, die Auberginen halbieren und ein paar Mal mit der Messerspitze oder Gabel einstechen..
  2. Die Auberginenhälften auf das Backblech geben und solange backen, bis die Haut fast schwarz ist, etwa 30 - 40 Min. Danach etwas abkühlen lassen..
  3. Solange den Knoblauch schälen und pressen, die Petersilienblätter klein hacken und beides zusammen mit dem Tahini, Zitronensaft und Olivenöl in eine Schüssel geben..
  4. Das Auberginenfleisch kann nun mit Hilfe eines Löffels aus der Schale gelöst werden und mit in die Schüssel gegeben werden. Alles fein mixen und mit Salz und Kümmelpulver abschmecken..

Baba ganoush is an amazing roasted eggplant dip that's incredibly simple to make. If you love hummus, then you will love baba ganoush. I love serving it with crisp vegetables. Classic Baba Ganoush is made by roasting eggplants until soft, scooping out the insides, and mashing with tahini, garlic, and spices. Moutabal And Baba Ganoush/Chef Ahmad's Kitchen.


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