Recipe: Tasty Chili con Carne
Chili con Carne. At chili suppers, this chili con carne recipe always disappears first! It's nice at home, too, since the longer it sits The Spanish phrase "chili con carne" means chili with meat, but both chili and chili. Чили нон карне (Chili non carne). Автор: Freigraf Trostsky. With chunks of chuck roast, browned in bacon fat and cooked with red kidney beans, red chili and chipotle chili, onion, garlic, jalapeños, tomatoes, and lime juice.
Three little words that describe such a wonderful meal. It literally translates from Spanish to "Chili with Meat", and as generic as that sounds, it is filled with fantastic flavor. This easy chilli con carne recipe has loads of flavour but uses mainly store cupboard ingredients. You can have Chili con Carne using 14 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you achieve that.
Ingredients of Chili con Carne
- It's 750 g of Rinderhackfleisch.
- It's 200 g of durchwachsener Speck.
- You need 1 of große Zwiebel.
- Prepare 2 Dosen of Kidneybohnen.
- You need 2 of rote Paprika.
- You need 2 of grüne Paprika.
- Prepare 1 Pck. of Passierte Tomaten.
- It's 1 Dose of Dosentomaten.
- It's of Tomatenmark.
- You need 800 ml of Gemüsebrühe.
- It's of Salz, Pfeffer, Paprika süß und scharf, Curry, Chili, Zimt, Cumin.
- Prepare of Knoblauch, Tabasco.
- You need of Dazu:.
- Prepare of Weißbrot, Baguette, Reis oder Nudeln.
Serve with rice, on jacket potatoes or nachos. Рецепт Чили кон карне, cостав: говядина, перец сладкий, перец горький, лук репчатый, чеснок, помидоры кусочками, паприка сладкая, кумин (зира) , сахар, соль, масло оливковое;, Рецепты. This Chilli Con Carne is a Classic. This belly warming dish of meaty, spicy joy is a regular on our dinner table. Come home to a warming bowl of this Chili.
Chili con Carne instructions
- Hackfleisch anbraten..
- Speck würfeln und zum Fleisch geben..
- Zwiebeln würfeln und dazugeben..
- Tomatenmark, Dosentomaten und passierte Tomaten dazugeben..
- Brühe dazugießen..
- Paprika kleinschneiden, Kidneybohnen waschen und auch rein da..
- Bis auf den Knoblauch die Gewürze nutzen und köcheln lassen. Je länger desto besser..
- Je nach Beilage den Knoblauch ca. 10 Minuten vor dem Servieren dazugeben..
Basic Chili Con Carne With Beef and Beans. Click Play to See This Chili con Carne Recipe Come Together. Finde was du suchst - köstlich & vielfältig. Jetzt ausprobieren mit ♥ ♥. A quick and easy chilli con carne recipe from Jamie Oliver.
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