Easiest Way to Prepare Perfect Okroschka

Okroschka. Ana shunday yaxna sho'rvalardan biri bu - okroshka. Biz bugun qaynatilgan kolbasa, qatiq va mineral suv solib tayyorlaniladigan turini tayyorlaymiz. Siz esa ta'bingi. hundreds of recipes for okroshka.

Okroschka I can eat three bowls of this on a hungry stomach. Imagine you decided to make a soup of Coca Cola! What would you add to Coca Cola in such an unlikely event? You can cook Okroschka using 12 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Okroschka

  1. It's 5 of Eier, hart gekocht.
  2. Prepare 5 of festkochende Kartoffeln mittelgroß, vorgekocht mit Pelle.
  3. Prepare of Geflügelfleischwurst /Halbkreis.
  4. You need of Salatgurke.
  5. You need 10 Stück of Radieschen.
  6. You need halber Bund of Dill.
  7. Prepare 1 oder 2 of Lauch (1 wenn ganze Stange, 2 wenn nur grün).
  8. Prepare 300-450 ml of Naturjoghurt.
  9. It's of Schmand frischer.
  10. Prepare of Essigessenz oder Zitronensaft.
  11. You need of Salz.
  12. It's ca. 700 ml of sehr kaltes Wasser.

Okroshka with Kvas is a cold summer soup, made with garden fresh seasonal ingredients, and Russian rye bread Kvas. A totally different take on cold soups. Okroshka is the most common Russian summer dish, which has won an honorable place not only in the daily menu, but also at the festive. Okroshka is a Russian cold summer soup.

Okroschka instructions

  1. Eier hartkochen. Kartoffeln (festkochend) mit Pelle kochen. Alles abkühlen lassen und in kleine Würfel schneiden..
  2. Salatgurke waschen und gleich klein schneiden. Fleischwurst in Würfel klein schneiden. Radieschen vierteln und in Scheiben schneiden..
  3. Alle Zutaten mit etwas Salz zusammen in einem großen Topf mischen. Dill und Lauch untermischen..
  4. Schmand und Joghurt dazugeben...evtl. nachsalzen und alles gut vermischen..
  5. Etwa 700 ml ganz kaltes, stilles Wasser (ich gebe es für ca. 30 Minuten ins Gefrierfach) dazu. Mit ca. einem Esslöffel Zitronensaft oder Essig würzen, je nach Geschmack. Kalt genießen. Passt gut zu Gegrilltem oder Schaschlik. Guten Appetit..

It's very easy and quick to make, and it's very tasty and refreshing during hot summer days. Try it and I'm sure you'll be making it again. Okroshka is one of those refreshing soups served cold and is mostly made of raw Most people may not know what Okroshka is and may not like the fact that it is made with Kefir. 🎦 Okroshka. The name probably originates from "kroshit'" (крошить), which means to crumble into small pieces.


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